While in Vermont last weekend, my darling little sister sent me an article about how much snow has fallen on Boston, because I hadn’t really noticed the newly-formed mountains all over the city. The article concluded with the incredibly depressing…

You see it all the time in recipes for brownies, chocolate cakes, and pretty much anything else with cocoa powder: the instruction to pour boiling water (or sometimes coffee, or even red wine) over the cocoa powder to “bloom” it….

Boston no longer has sidewalks, just tunnels between towering walls of snow. And the walls just keep growing, as another blizzard is making its way toward the city this weekend. So I took off, tagging along with some friends to…

I can’t believe we’re a week into February already! I spent Christmas in Portland for lots of absurd adventures with my crazy family, and that trip seems like forever ago. The new year has delivered plenty of snow and cold…

During a surprisingly memorable middle school talent show act, a classmate of my older sister staged a sort of cooking show where she “demonstrated” how to bake something–maybe cookies? Under the requisite floppy chef’s hat, she mixed and stirred and…

I’ve settled into a lovely and only partly intentional routine of spending one weekend day out exploring my new city and the other almost entirely in the kitchen. (Boston friends–I love sharing! Of course, the three courses on the dinner…
If you’re in Boston, the Museum of Science deserves a trip solely for the current exhibit on modernist cooking’s iconic Nathan Myhrvold and the photographs from his multi-volume Modernist Cuisine. The books, while stunning, don’t have quite the same effect as…

The first time I made this pork, I had an outline of a recipe and a vague idea of the flavor profile I wanted. A friend and I drank wine and traded stories as I threw in a little of…

Cocoa powder holds a special place in my heart as the ingredient that got me into food science. During my senior year of college, I wanted to pursue research in food science but my school didn’t have any faculty in…